Romantically Apocalyptic is an online comic by various artist, and features the
adventure of the captain and Mr snippy in the post apocalyptic world. The story
starts with Mr snippy exploring the deserted post apocalyptic world. As he
monologues, he falls on his feet due to exhaustion. As he’s about to give up, he sees a figure in the
distance approaching him. It’s Zee Captain. Zee Captain is the protagonist in
this story and also the antagonist. The personality of this character is of
someone who would be considered sociopathic in nature. This web comic is an
outstanding example of being one of the top rated one, as it has amazing
visuals and has a very captivating story line. This graphic reminds me of the Batman
comic which I had recently reviewed. Based on textures and placement of the characters,
this comic captivates its readers and helps them understand how the world came
to post apocalyptic stage and how the world was before the event took place. As we progress further in this web comic, we
get to know more about our protagonist and who he really was. And the
introductions of the new charters is also well planned. I think the character designs
in the web comics are well portrayed and all the panels look like digital
painting artwork. The character designs in this web comic are some of the best
ones I have seen online and can only imagine the amount of time it would have
taken for them to plot it out, The magnificently plotted storyline is also well
planned and is one of the best I have read so far.
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